Arabic DLPT Preparation

Urdu DLPT Preparation

Defense Language Preparation Test Course

 Urdu Language DLPT prep courses are designed for students at the ILR 1+ to 3 levels


                    Hours: See bracket below. If you need a quote for less than 100 hours (10, 25, 40, 50 and so on), please contact                   
                    Online - 1:1 instruction with a schedule to suit your needs.
                    In person at our office in Honolulu at 1311 Kapiolani Boulevard, Suite 200.
                    Your location in Hawaii, on the US mainland or abroad.                

                    - practicing the skills that will be tested.
                    - reading and listening to material covered by the test.
                   - discussion of the context of the reading and listening passages, intended audience, intensity, certainty, etc. 
                    - expanding a working vocabulary through reading, listening and speaking practice.
                    - gaining a better understanding of the grammatical structure of Urdu.
                    - becoming familiar with with the type of questions on the test.
                    - engaging with a native speaker of Urdu.

                    - courses use authentic (not text book) material such as print and video news and other media.
                    - material covers the subjects typically covered on the DLPT.
                    - promotion of the understanding of the cultural context of the language.
                    - the Urdu language is used during 90% of the class time by the instructor and the students.

                    - are based in Hawaii, or on the East Coast.
                    - all teach online, some can teach in person in Hawaii, some can travel to your location.
                    - all instructors are native speakers of Urdu.
                    - all have master’s degrees 

Individual Students
                    - individuals can register for the 1:1 online Urdu DLPT preparation courses below. Within 48 hours 
                                   of receiving your registration Aspire will contact you to arrange a schedule convenient for you.
                    - to get information or to register for in person classes in Honolulu or elsewhere contact us
Language Administrators can get information on or arrange for Urdu DLPT online or in person classes can contact us at
                    - for in person or online
                    - Aspire is SAM registered with a Unique Entity ID: VXYMCU7L3HU7.

Urdu DLPT Prep Online Pricing

Register for an Online Urdu DLPT Preparation Course

For classes, in person instruction
or instruction ILR 1+ or below or 3+ or above
Contact us:

Below 100 hours$65
100 hours and above$60