Tagalog DLPT Preparation

Defense Language Preparation Test Course

 Tagalog Language DLPT courses are designed for students at the ILR 1+ to 3 levels

See bracket below. If you need a quote for less than 100 hours (10, 25, 40, 50 and so on), please contact info@aspirelanguage.com 
                    Online - 1:1 instruction with a schedule to suit your needs
                    In person at our office in Honolulu at 1311 Kapiolani Boulevard, Suite 200
                    Your location in Hawaii, on the US mainland or abroad

                    - practicing the skills that will be tested.
                    - reading and listening to material covered by the test.
                    - expanding a working vocabulary through reading, listening and speaking practice.
                    - gaining a better understanding of the grammatical structure of Tagalog.
                    - becoming familiar with with the type of questions on the test.
                    - engaging with a native speaker of Tagalog.

                    - courses use authentic (not text book) material such as print and video news and other media.
                    - material covers the subjects typically covered on the DLPT.
                    - promotion of the understanding of the cultural context of the language.
                    - the Spanish language is used during 90% of the class time by the instructor and the students.

                    - are based in Hawaii.
                    - all teach online, some can teach in person in Hawaii, some can travel to your location.
                    - all are bilingual or native speakers of Tagalog.
                    - all have master’s degrees from a university in their home country.

Individual Students
                    - can register for the 1:1 online Tagalog DLPT preparation courses below.  Within 48 hours of receiving                                                             your registration Aspire will contact you to arrange a schedule convenient for you.
                    - For information or to register for in person classes in Honolulu or elsewhere contact us
                                   at info@aspirelanguage.com.
Language Administrators
For information on or to arrange for Tagalog DLPT online or in person person for your personnel contact us at info@aspirelanguage.com.
Aspire is SAM registered with a Unique Entity ID: VXYMCU7L3HU7.

Other Tagalog Courses of Interest
                    - Beginner and Introductory Tagalog.
                     -Specialties including area studies
                     -Pre-Deployment classes in  for relocating individuals and families.
                    - DLPT for students at ILR level below 1+ or above 3+.
For information on these courses contact us a info@aspirelanguage.com

Tagalog DLPT Prep Online Pricing

Register for an Online Tagalog DLPT Prep Course
For classes, in person instruction or dialects not listed
Contact us: info@aspirelanguage.com

Below 100 hours$61
100 hours and above$56